Dec 14, 2022Liked by David Wyatt-Hupton

David, Wow! Great post. Interesting to see a couple here with different opinions but then again, that’s why this whole topic is such a hot point in Jet groups. For me this article was everything I have tried to convey to the Zackaholic’s. Facts are facts. I have just come to the conclusion that no matter what a great argument you make people will often follow their heart instead of their head. Human nature at its finest. Or it’s worst?🤔!

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by David Wyatt-Hupton

Processing speed, quick release and accuracy are the coins of the realm and yet we keep drafting quarterbacks that lack these skills when they enter the NFL. Can't they test for processing? White is far ahead on these qualities and the team is too good to be held back waiting on Zach to improve. If White can solve the red zone we will finally have a keeper. The next 4 defenses are not top line, so I expect touchdowns to go along with the impressive yard totals we've been compiling.

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ZW was supposedly good at processing coming out of college, but it certainly hasn't translated yet. maybe the jump in level is taking time

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by David Wyatt-Hupton

Good piece on the QB debate/debacle/decision/distraction/and da Zach disfunction!

I see it this way: QB is as important to a football team as a point guard is to a basketball team. A great PG can carry the team and make everybody better but not necessarily win games. A great QB can make everyone better on the team including the Defense but not necessarily win games. Like you said it's a team sport. The Jet locker room loves Mike White. I didn't expect wins against the Vikings or the Bills but we were in those games. Costly mistakes lost the Bills game more than the Bills won it. Time to turn the page to Detroit: Win this game and the playoffs are still attainable, lose and we focus on next year.

Jonathan Marshall signed off practice squad by Steelers helps us clear a little more money. He's not good enough to make the 10 active weekly DL players.

Go Jets!

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by David Wyatt-Hupton

Good piece and i can "feel" from the writing this was really bugging you - rightfully so to. I am in total agreement. One thing i will throw out there though and could be considered and added to this - "intangibles". The QB could be a great leader and literlly "will' his teamates a win. Gretsky carried a average L.A. Kings team to the Cup finales, Namth took a 1-7 team and carried them to 7-7. However in this example - 5-2 was before major injuries with Wilson just driving the car not cause of him did they get 5 wins.

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Unfortunately there is a group of Jet fans who are fanatical Zach fans. Their rantings are rabid, they see 5-2 and in their minds that is what all things should be measured by. You say Zach throws off his back foot, he’s 5-2, he doesn’t go through his progressions, he’s 5-2, he leaves the pocket too early, he’s 5-2, he scrambles backwards, he’s 5-2, he locks on to his first look, yea, but he is 5-2. He appears to be a self absorbed non team player, yea but he is 5-2.

I saw on one social media source a Zachanista say that he should have started against Buffalo because he singlehanded won the first Buffalo game, what???.

Hopefully White stays healthy and leads the team into the playoffs. Maybe the Zachanistas will stop this ignorant nonsense.

Two points not being made a big deal about but should be. And appear to be happening because the Jets have been insignificant the last 11 years are the penalties called or not called against the Jets in almost every game this year. Jet players getting hit out of bounds are never called, Hall in first quarter in Denver, Wilson third quarter Buffalo which was a harder hit than Whiteheads hit on a receiver in Minnesota.

Lastly, both Minnesota and Buffalo had 10 days rest going into consecutive games against the Jets. The schedule maker probably said, they stink, no one will notice.

So the Jets, in consecutive road games, had to face two teams on ten days rest, penalties called/ not called, with a little luck they could have/ should have won both games.

Rumor has it that Buffalos right tackle was still holding Huff as he was trying to get on the team bus in the parking lot.

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Luv it. Usin' it. Here's to it becoming the prominent meme of the week.

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This had me laughing: "Rumor has it that Buffalos right tackle was still holding Huff as he was trying to get on the team bus in the parking lot."

I'm not sure if you noticed but our old friend GVR was playing RG for the Bills. I'm surprised our D-line didn't blow him up more and expose him.

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They were until “Q” got hurt😂🤣

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I think elements of the QB argument have become out of control. Mike White is a better player right now. Do I think Zach could improve and eventually play better than Mike White? Yes. Mike White is four years older than Zach and look how much Mike White has improved in his career. If you go back to White’s college days, he got worse as a sophomore and completed only 50% of his passes. He then transferred and improved drastically. Even this year, you see an improved Mike White from the preseason, when some people wanted to cut him for Steveler.

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Conversation around the QB always gets out of hand. Zach could absolutely be the better QB than Mike and in the same vein, Mike could be a better QB from Zach. What we do know now is that White is a better QB for the Jets in 2022. One thing we can't forget is although White has been in the league a while, he has only started a handful of games, you learn more from in-game experience than anything else.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by David Wyatt-Hupton

there's something to be said for stickto-itive-ness. Mike White has this in spades. Nose to the grindstone, practice as if you were the starter even if you aren't, do this for a few years consistently with excellent, unwavering effort. Do it even when you get cut a couple times, then resigned. Never, never quit - leave it all on the field.

That's Mike White. That is a Championship-worthy level of character. And you know, in this wonderful game of inches, that no matter what happens, he can lead this team. The Team Believes in him.

Now outside of that, I have to look at technical proficiency, and finally, Talent.

First, the talent. Yes, ZW has more <i>potential</i> than White. No denying that beautiful cannon of an arm. But just a couple-three weeks ago, the narrative on White was that he couldn't make the downfield throws. He was being compared to Pennington in that regard ( I know, 'cause I was one a' da guys doing this here). Having seen his downfield throws these past two games, I am happy to see that this is not true. White can make all the throws.

Now, technical proficiency. To borrow from David's technique here, let's look at two numbers, not exact to the 100th, but ballpark, you'll recognize them here -

2.57 seconds

3.35 seconds

The above are how long it takes MW & ZW, respectively, to release the ball. Clearly, this offense as LaFleur runs it depends on the quick release; that one second's difference translates into defensive players being able to read and react to the play, and be 5 yards closer to where they're converging on the player being targeted.

One second. What a difference. To further illustrate, let's look at our stud rookie CB. Sauce has great speed, long arms - but the plays that he's made, have you seen him not have to use his speed to "close the gap" on the receiver he's covering? They're running down the sideline, one-on-one cause the cover 2 safety on his side isn't going to get there to assist. Sauce is two steps behind, then one step... the receiver starts turning his head, brings up his hands just as the ball is almost going to arrive... and Sauce puts those octopus tentacles of his up into the reception sweet spot, between the WR's eyes/head and his outstretched hands. BOOM! PBU!

All in one second. Now granted, a downfield long throw is different from a quick release, but I use the above to illustrate just how much can happen in one second.

I'll take Mike White over Zach Wilson 98% of the time because of this, because MW simply processes way faster and more efficiently that Zach does. And until ZW proves otherwise, shows the same determination, grindstone "git er dun" mentality and results, then MW is the way to go.

David, a complete change-of-topic - I wish Ulbrich would spring an extra, fifth pass rusher more frequently, maybe a safety cheating, or letting Quincy use that cool speed and hit one of the gaps after our guys stunt away from it (to create the space to shoot through). Just as a psychological ploy against the opposing offense, a "Wow, we weren't expecting THAT!" moment, similar to what Sauce achieved back in the Miami game. Any thoughts on that?

CGVet58 --- Go JETS!!!!

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You have seen Mike White throw 40 yard lasers down the field? Funny, because I have not.

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Mike that a possibility but the time line is off. The Jets are unexpectedly ready to compete now. It’s pretty obvious by all the evidence Zach is currently not up to the task. Who knows what the future might hold for Zach? The first think he needs to do is get his head out of his butt and put in the work he needs to accelerate his development.

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There's a key point you leave out. Yes, a bad W-L record alone means nothing, if the QB loses every game 40-35. However, in our last 2 losses, while the QB was piling up stats, he did zippo in the red zone and did not score many points. We were 0-6 in the red zone against Minnesota, scoring our first and only TD with 6:45 left in the game, despite throwing a whopping 57 passes against a lousy pass defense. And against Buffalo, we scored a total of 12 points, and MW went 0-4 with the ball in his hands and a chance to tie the game late in the 4th.. So when you lose 2 critical games by one score or less, and fail to score points, your role in the loss is much more significant, and it should be considered in terms of who gives us the best chance, esp. when your only win is against a woefully undermanned Chicago defense. The fact is Zach did not face a single pass defense as bad as Minn. or Chi. all year, and he beat Buffalo with a number of big-time passes (as many as MW had against Buffalo), despite the fact that the OC chose to use a running offense predominantly. So despite the glaring problems Zach was having, I don't think it's at all fair to assume he wouldn't have won last Sunday.

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While I agree with the principle of what you're saying (red-zone offense hasn't been good enough), White found Berrios in that Minnesota game and he dropped it, Berrios also dropped another pass against Buffalo this weekend that could have easily led to a TD, White was driving the Jets and Carter fumbled the ball away. Circumstances went against the Jets this weekend and against Minnesota, but you are right that we need to do a better job in the red-zone, we were an average team in the red-zone statistically all season but that's taken a further dip over the last few weeks. Zach playing at home vs the Bills in good conditions with Buffalo missing Milano, Poyer and White is not the same as playing on the road in the snow with a fully loaded defense. Milano makes this Bills defense tick and with the way Buffalo pressured the Jets and Zach's league worst statistics under pressure I think it's fair to say he doesn't win that game on Sunday.

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My man Ron Alexander's comment about some ppl refusing to believe actual facts says it all.

DWH writes an entire piece based on facts and objective analysis that proves the QB's W-L record is at best deceptive and at worst outright meaningless, and we STILL get posters saying DWH is just anti-Zach!

If you were to look at my posts from a month ago you would see that I was totally in the camp of "give Zach more time". I am not a hater. However, there is just no arguing that Mike White is better equipped mentally (which leads to physical success) to lead our team.

BTW, not one post here said White throws "40 yard lasers". DWH provided the stats for 20+ yd throws, it speaks for itself.

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This from a guy who thought that Zach's win against Buffalo was "overstated." Of course you are being critical of Zach, just be honest. And 5-2 is 5-2. Let's not pretend otherwise, just because you have a hard-on for Zach.

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I'm not sure I'm the one who has a "hard-on" for Zach 😂😂

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Thanks for replying, David. I appreciate it, really. All I ask for is fairness, and the pile-on against Zach makes that impossible. For instance, isn't it reasonable to question what's going to happen when a big game requires the QB to throw 40 yard lasers and evade a fierce pass rush? Isn't it reasonable to question what happens when the number 2 pick in the draft from a year ago gets back in a game and has a bad half? Do we bench him again? Or is he now Josh Rosen? (a comparison that, in my opinion, is a joke.) But anyhow, thanks again for responding. And BTW: I wonder what people would have said about the Jets' red-zone woes against the Vikes if Zach was the QB? Peace out.

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All fair points and it absolutely is. I don't want it to be a pile on Zach as that's not what it was designed for, Zach can't control some of the narrative around him. It was designed as a pointer to the people using that narrative.

Here's why I'm in favour of sticking with Mike White and it has absolutely everything to do with what you posted.

What if he has to throw lasers: Zach was completing 25% of his throws 20+ yards down the field with 0 TD's and 3 INT's. Does White's ball look as pretty? No. But he is completing 41.7% of his passes of 20+ yards with 1 TD and 1 INT.

What if he has to evade a fierce pass rush: This is where the time to throw comes in, Zach's time to throw under pressure is 4.15 seconds with White's under a second less, White also completes 47.6% of his passes under pressure whereas Zach completes 26.7% and has thrown 5 interceptions, the harsh reality is that in the entire NFL, when you have a team that generates pressure, Zach is the last guy you want out there. That's not my opinion, that's statistically evidenced.

That's why I don't believe coming back this year is a great option. I want Zach to succeed, when you spend a #2 pick on a QB and they don't succeed that's a big red mark against your franchise. I don't think the environment is right for him to succeed this year and both the Jets and Zach will be better served coming in fresh next year.

Again I don't want Zach to fail, I want him to succeed, desperately. But in 2022 I don't think that's possible

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Fairness? Zach has 24 million reasons not to care whether any fan comments about him are fair or not.

Just Do It. that's all that counts. And btw, gettin' it done in the face of adversity, of naysayers - demonstrates that one has nards for this job.

I'd say it's fair to assess that MW has the onions; and Zach hasn't shown - Yet! - that he has. But now that Zach is in the position to change that, let's see if he can do so. I'm rootin' for him, that potential he has needs to be developed. But at this stage in the Jets progression towards relevance, playoffs and more, it's best to let him work on this w/out - as Coach Saleh put it - having to both work on fixing his mechanics while simultaneously preparing for a weekly game.

Coach Saleh - what a find, eh? Hope he and JD stay with this team for 15 years... I could get used to seeing a NY Jets team with an Ozzie Newsome ver 2.0 and a couple of Lombardi's through a decade (+) of dominance.

CGVet58 --- Bring it Home, JETS!!!!

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My mentioning of fairness has nothing to do with comments by fans, or, for that matter, media. I am talking about the QB comparisons, and how analytics are often cherry-picked to make one QB look better than another (red-zone analytics, anyone?), and often don't provide context, such as the strength of the defense the QB faced. And why is it that the team's won/lost record, which in the 40 years I have been watching the NFL has always been one -not the only one, mind you - but one of the stats we use to judge QBs, is not applicable when it comes to Zach? (Please, don't tell me he wasn't important in at least 3 of his 5 wins, because that is just being a hater.) Finally, the idea that a 23 year old should have his career basically destroyed because he gave one wrong answer after a devastating defeat, when there are dudes in this league who have committed far more egregious sins without one word of backlash from any of the people who are otherwise so damn brave in their condemnation of Zach, is at the very least disingenuous, and at worst despicable.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by David Wyatt-Hupton

It was overstated. He threw for 150 yards! OK, so he didn’t screw it up! Is that your bar? Is it that low?

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This from a guy who thought that Zach's win against Buffalo was "overstated." Of course you are being critical of Zach, just be honest. And 5-2 is 5-2. Let's not pretend otherwise.

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Yes 5-2 is 5-2 and Mike White would have been at minimum 5-2 and likely 6-1 and Zach would have been 0-2 the last two weeks too. But if you're someone who evaluates QBs by a team stat while ignoring all the actual QB stats, there's no hope. So we'll agree to disagree and go our merry ways.

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Are QB wins more or less credible than pitcher wins?

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They may equally be as bad. But in my mind, QB wins are worse.

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They are both rubbish but the QB affects offense and time of possession. The pitcher only partially affects ‘defence’. Not trying to take away from your point though, just being pedantic :)

@Bobber, the only example I’ve seen of that is this after the 10-3 Patriots game. The worst take I think I’ve ever seen https://twitter.com/gelldj73/status/1594439406286303233

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I don’t want to mention the Facebook Jet group but the Zachanistas are relentless. Go in there right now, it’s a s**t show with ignorant nonsense. Non stop

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