What is really amazing this offseason is how nobody mentions the elephant in the room, Ashtyn Davis.

His stats do not project an up and coming star(ter) and yet here he is.

3 years. 37 games 3 interceptions 5 pass defensed 3 forced fumbles 1 fumble recovery 1/2 sack 71 solo tackles 32 assisted tackles 1 tackle for a loss

His biggest play as a pro, his interception sealed the 31-30 win over the Browns, that was the only defensive play he was on the field for.

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hey Bobber -

Ashytn Davis - you mention all the highlights, but none of the Low lights (not a slam on you B) - terrible angles resulting in bigger chunks for opposing runners, or in receivers getting past him for big gains/scores. Missed tackles, including some that then went for six. Not a true Free Safety; his speed lets him get back into a play, but his lack of judgement beforehand gets him into bad position viz-a-viz the opposing player in the first place.

I was hoping that last year, the Jets wudda cut Davis as we had Jason Pinnock on the team, and Jason had taken well to the change to Safety (admittedly a small sample size) but had shown the kind of instincts to good judgement, and to getting better, that Davis had to that point lacked. And which IMHO, he still lacks.

But no, it was not to be; Jets stuck to their mantra of Speed being prob the mostly desired quality, and they probably thought they could clay-mold Davis into a better FS in 2022.

Mixed results on that count, and not trending up in any optimistic manner.

Crosstown Blue plucked Jason off the scrap heap (he was waived...), made him a FS fulltime, and when Blue's starter suffered a hand injury, Jason came in and held up pret-ty well; playing in 14 games with 41 tackles, 1.5 sacks, 3 PD, a FF and a Fumble recovery. 34 of his tackles were solo, an 83% rate - and THAT stat alone convinces me that the Jets made the wrong choice in keeping Davis over Pinnock.

David, sidenote request on the above stat - do you have stat on how many missed tackles players have? Because to my eyes, Davis sucked as a tackler, I remember the misses and subsequent consequences more than I remember the good stops - but I do have a bias there.

Plus, Jason grew up in Windsor, CT, a half hour drive from me, and grew up a Jets fan. And guys, ya'll just KNOW how much of a soft spot we Jets fans have (... Chrebet, Ruckert etc...) for players who grew up rootin' for the Green'n'White and become a Jet.

So yeah, in the category of "Yes, I will cry over Spilt Milk" - we shudda kept Pinnock and sent Davis on his way...


PS: and the above screed aside, Jet-Orange sez it pithily - "Great Speed, the Jets love speed,


'nuff said

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Actually his stats weren’t hi lights, for 37 games downright abysmal. Cleveland interception was almost a fluke lol

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Davis has to go

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Great speed, the Jets love speed, but AD can’t play football. Three year window to figure it out, just didn’t happen

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30 other teams have passed on John Johnson for a couple reasons. Johnson is a versatile veteran that has been very effective, but as a true Free Safety, he could lack range. It seems with acquisition of Whitehead & Clark, along with UNDFA’s Dean & Waters that the Jets are prioritizing intimidating hard hitting qualities in their Safeties over coverage and range. Tony Adams seems to be the exception, Tony has some range, but last years sample size was small, and there could be durability issues. Training Camp would be a good time, to try NB Michael Carter or Bryce Hall as coverage Safeties. The big reason Johnson hasn’t signed is because of price, he was making 11 million dollars last year, tough to take less. We saw McGovern looking for 10-12, held out finally settled for 1.9, brutal, but the Center Market fell apart this year. Could John Johnson play for half price ? At 5.5 ? maybe. The market has spoken. Could require that the Jets cut Whitehead, but Johnson is more versatile and a better fit. My preference would be to see a three year deal to get some stability into the position, but don’t see that happening. Like Johnson & Clark much better fit than Whitehead & Clark. Curious, why the Jets are holding on to Whitehead, he is a big hitter, how much value do the Jets put on that quality in their Safeties ?

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David, I’m a little confused as to what the financial liability would be in signing Johnson? The Browns are in the hook for over $3 million. So how much would it cost us cap wise? If we could cut Whithead and fit him into that salary slot it might make sense! Playing in a contender might pump him up and make him play even better. As you mentioned the pass rush is a great way to help a secondary!

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Ron , my understanding is that JJ got a 12 million signing bonus last year amortized over three years, his salary this year is 4 million guaranteed which the Browns also have to eat, sometimes there is language in the contract that the new team picks up part of the guaranteed money. But the Browns took a big hit on JJ, big enough to wonder if he is toxic ?

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So we could cut Whitehead and sign Johnson and still gain a little cap space? Toxicity is a potential deal breaker but I haven’t come across anything that leads me to think that’s an issue?

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There is always stuff we don’t know, the Browns took a bath with this guy, curious 🧐. We cut Whitehead save 7 million in CAP, but take a 3 million dead money hit. Johnson’s salary after the huge bonus, was 1,250,0000, 4 million this year and 8 million next year. Believe a front loaded 3 year contract for 18 million works for all parties

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Football is a brutal business. Ty Johnson with a torn labrum is out for the year, not sure what other options the Jets would have in this situation to show better loyalty to this player ? It definitely sucks for Ty.

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hey David!

re: Mekhi Becton - long/short, no mention of his Yuge Weight issue which he did not address. No, it's all about blaming the Jets for his problems? Did the Jets tell him to report last year to OTAs weighing almost 400 lbs? To then crash-diet his way back to 370-360, then act like he was good 2 go, like he was ready to attack the NFL again, when for the past year previous during what should have been a rehab AND extensive Weight loss program combined, he instead stayed home with his local doctors, stuffin his mouth with twinkies, doing the rehab "His" way???

So the expected happens, he hurts the SAME knee again. Weight problems unaddressed + poorly conducted rehab + piss-poor, LeBron-James-like attitude ... " I. AM. A. LEFT. Tackle. " + now he blames the organization for putting him out there when he wasn't ready?

And whose fault is it that he wasn't ready? He should have stayed rehabbing at 1JD, not back home with home cookin' and the TV remote by his side.

Mekhi, if you're reading this, and I hope you are; I hope your new weight loss bod is a result of REAL, HARD, HEALTHY work... and you've been rehabbing your knee the right way (and staying away from the twinkies).

Because if otherwise you haven't, and judging from your trying to lay this shitstorm on the JETS lap, when you were in camp doing exercises that HAD you done your orig rehab CORRECTLY... AND lost weight back THEN the way you are doing NOW... well then, YA SHUDDA been able to DO THE JOB! And this bullshit about how you told them and "they didn't care"... well, when you insisted on doing the orig rehab "YOUR WAY"... back home and not under direct Jets Medical team management --- did the Jets "not care" about you back then? You're a Grown Man, Mekhi - dammit, own up to your flaws and SHOW us you can be the roadgrading, pancake-plastering player who Baldi called "Highway 77" in your rookie year.

Because otherwise, Mekhi, you are going to be the poster boy for a spanish saying, " El Pescado Muere Por La Boca " (a fish dies from his mouth). That, plus you're gonna start getting compared to Vernon Gholston, another high draft pick who also acted like the Jets owed him more deference.


PS: And i'm so effin' GLAD my team did not pick up your 5th year option. You haven't earned it; you don't deserve it.

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Good intel David. Becton - give us break - really blaming the coaching ? This guy is usless and should be cut during camp - he never plays anyway. Call it a bust and move on.

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hey Steve B!

here's a "what if?" / "what about?" scenario for you, for the folks here to ponder -

WHAT IF --- Mekhi plays well, really well? Judging from his attitude that he is owed, I've a strong sense that if that happens, he'll try to squeeze whoever is going to sign him next for top dollar; something imo he has NOT earned. This guy is Mohammad Wilkerson Version 2... maybe even (... and this Coastie shudders at the thought...) the second coming of Albert ( https://bleacherreport.com/articles/594440-albert-haynesworth-and-the-25-worst-contracts-in-nfl-history - just scroll down to the end of the countdown, he was rated the #1 most shittiest contract ever, worse even than Jamarcus Russell! ) Haynesworth???

WHAT ABOUT --- if he does play well as shown above, then JD trades him before the deadline for a 2nd rounder? Like Sheldon Richardson, let this guy be someone else's problem.

JD, Saleh - are you guys readin' this? Give it a minute's thought, JD -


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CG interesting thoughts ! I like it - see what he does (if he stays on the filed) and see if you can get a good pick for him. Those contracts are interesting LOL

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